“The problems experienced in the West, from the pain of isolation to the stress of hyperactivity, are brought on by the loss of community.”

— From The Healing Wisdom of Africa by Malidoma Patrice Somé

I felt the deep longings for belonging in community for so many years of my adult life. It wasn’t until I joined a deeply transformational 9-month women’s container years ago that I was able to see how truly impactful it can be on a person’s well-being to be a part of a vibrant, loving, well community.

The opportunities to connect with humans in loving communities continued to present themselves and while my ability to show up for myself deepened, so did my ability to show up for others.

And so, it feels like I have been preparing for this moment for years. The moment where I show up to share my gifts + medicine with my community. Through all of the grief + growth, shedding + surrender, devotion + divinity, I have been quietly following my inner compass back home to myself.

This wholeness, this peace + trust + love I feel within, is not something I've earned or achieved through school or work or concrete systems, it's something I've slowly remembered.

And so, my work in this world is to help others remember.

Remember that only they hold the sacred roadmap to guide them back home. By shedding + cleansing + clearing we begin to see, hear & know what these soul directions are and what they mean for us.

And it's through deepening our connections with self + nature + community, that we learn how to honor our deepest longings + follow these directions of our soul. And we journey home. I'm here to walk alongside you, love.

Here's to wholeness thru peace, faith, truth, and unending love. May we all remember.